Tuesday 12 October 2010


If you are learning or re-learning to knit this winter, 'Purls of Wisdom' is the book for you.
Jenny Lord is a kind knitting tutor. Her instructions and illustrations are clear, the projects charming, the styling cool, the graphics subtle, and even the paper has a lovely smell. Here she is signing books at Prick Your Finger.

Jenny's introduction takes you through the history of knitting, and at the end of the book she explains how you start at knitting circle, and where to find shops and on-line communities. What sets this book apart is that it explains why you are becoming a knitter, as well as how to live as one.
Jenny has worked as a book editor with penguin for years. Her team wanted to make a book about knitting and Jenny an enthusiastic knitter, started flowing with ideas about who could write it and what it should have in it. "We think you should write the book' her team replied, and so she did!
Well done Jenny!

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